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You won't find this beer in your grandpa's fridge.

Maaan listen, there are craft brew companies all over Prince Edward County producing world class beer. What makes the Prince Eddy’s Brewing Company crew stand out is the zero F’s given about the spin given on the local craft. There is no question they are rebels when comes to their approach to making beer. With names like, “You’re My Boy Blue”, “Trippenwitz”, and BLOGBOQ’s favorite, “Dawn Patrol” (not that we have had a beer at work or anything *insert awkward laugh*).

Owner Aaron McKinney and the crew of misfits have a work dynamic that is equal balance of tomfoolery and serious business. For them, one without the other wouldn’t have given them the advantage they have. That advantage is PASSION! You beer nerds out there think you’re passionate …pfft please. These guys’ brains never stop. They are always creating, experimenting and finding new ways to market themselves differently than the rest.

What you should normally expect when drinking a craft brew, that has lots of flash and bad ass branding, isn’t much. Beer geeks will tell you 9 times out ten that a company that has sexy branding logos on the beer can isn’t sexy at all and is more likely to resemble prison toilet wine. That is NOT the case here. For once the Beer inside is as good as the names and branding surrounding it. Prince Eddy’s is like that smoking hot tinder date that you agreed to go out with and thought the conversation was going to have zero substance or intelligence. Wrong! Instead it’s like Justin Trude ­-- never mind, bad example. It’s more like Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynnolds had a baby to make the perfect human. Yeah, it’s that good.

We feel the future is bright for the crew and El Jefe, aka Aaron Mckinney’s, Prince Eddy’s Brewing Company. We hope they continue to make sexy beers as we are huge fans of the brand and can only see big things in their future.

Check out their website for more details here.

Written by: James Anderson

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