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It's 2020 and it's time to figure out what you want out of the next 12 months. Maybe it's money, adventure, self-love, or being less wasteful. I think those are all great goals to work towards or intentions to set! This year I'm trying something a little different. I don't believe you need to set goals every year, and I don't think you need to change yourself just because January 1st rolls around, but I do enjoy challenges and new experiences, so that is what I'm doing this year. 

Every month, I'll try something new, whether it's tree-top trekking, learning to read Tarot cards, or learning a new skill like American Sign Language. I want to have new experiences and grow. I will be making a post of each new thing I do and will fill you in on how it went! 

I have already completed my January Experience which was going to a psychic. Angelic Serendipity is located in Trenton and the staff there are SO kind and welcoming. From meeting Selena the pup to Hermione the bird, I was in love. Now, I will preface this with, I'm a bit of a skeptic, but I wanted to be open and accepting of the experience. After looking at stones and gems, I met with Marie, the medium, and we got right to work.

She immediately nailed down my personality as quiet and that I put on a happy face, but I sometimes feel lonely. That I am respected at work and care deeply to a fault. This was ALL without me saying a single word. I was intrigued. I've read the articles and watched the documentaries on psychic ability and readings being guesswork, but it was still bone-chilling to be read, so I opened myself up to it. I will say I was sold on it. She brought up my father passing away, and for the second time, I was told by a psychic that I would be a writer (gasp). 

At the end of the reading, I left feeling a bit wowed by what just happened. I have a very logical and scientific outlook when it comes to life, so I felt a bit thrown, but it taught me to be open to something new. That it's okay to try something you might feel others judge you for (and I do feel a bit judged for going). Experience everything life has to offer, especially if it's outside of your comfort zone!

Stay tuned for next month. I'm not sure what my challenge will be but I'd love some suggestions. Bonus points if it's local! It just can't have anything to do with hunting or submerging myself in water. Those are a HARD no.

-- Jenn Lindsay


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